Tuesday, 17 December 2013

Shutgun saves Christmas

T'was the night before Christmas and the sled was all packed,
Shutgun was sitting just inside Santa's sack

But the big guy couldn't climb down the chimney with ease,
On his way he'd bump mantles and stockings and trees!

When all of a sudden there arose such a clatter,
Santa spun around to see what was the matter.

You see, it seemed, that while scratching his head,
Santa knocked over a ladder, and broke the sprinkler head!

The living room was covered with sopping wet crud,
if this water didn't stop soon it would be a Christmas flood!

But with a gleam in his eye he had nothing to dread,
he had Shutgun on hand to plug the sprinkler head.

So by placing the jaws inside the tiny vent
and giving the handle a squeeze, off the water went!

And Santa knew that if a fire should be kindled,
the UL link would release the sprinkler until the fire dwindled

And I heard him exclaim as he drove out of sight,

Have a Safe and Dry Christmas - Shutgun saved the Night!....

Ho Ho Ho!