Thursday, 28 February 2013

Dual Fire Protection

The Shutgun concept was created by a Toronto District Fire Chief of 35 years, with the intention to provide fire fighters, emergency response teams and property managers with a one-handed, easy-to-use fire sprinkler shut off tool.  But what if a fire occurs in the same spot?

Shutgun was created with a unique fusible link that offers continued protection by melting and releasing the tool in the event of a fire flare up or recurrence.

This way, the tool can be left in place with the sprinkler system charged until the pipes can be drained and the head replaced – thus giving the rest of the building full fire protection despite the activation.  “This is of huge benefit to managers who don’t want to jeopardize the rest of the building by shutting off the water system completely,” said Greg Patterson.

Wednesday, 27 February 2013

See the Shutgun in Action!


 Probably the most powerful visual demonstration of our tool in action - this 38 second video is our most widely viewed link. Watch the simplicity, ease and power that this one handed tool can provide.  Please share if you like us on facebook!

Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Should insurance companies offer incentives for properties that own Shutgun?


FACT: Water damage claims from accidental fire sprinkler activations hurt the bottom line of Insurance companies and increase the premiums of property owners. Ross Humphry, President of Canadian Safety Equipment, encourages Canadian insurance companies to offer incentives to buildings that have the Shutgun on every floor. “It only makes sense,” he says, “as the insurance companies will be the ones to save money in the long run.”

Just one sprinkler activation can cost between $10,000 – to $50,000 in damage for the property owner. Shutgun can reduce the damage inflicted in those crucial minutes after a sprinkler head is activated. For hotel operators, this means the difference between a single room being out of operation for a few days to multiple rooms on many floors being unavailable for weeks.

Joe Fisco of Petra Risk Solutions in California agrees, "I believe that insurance companies should offer a credit to property owners who have Shutguns in every fire hose cabinet in their buildings. The bottom line is that water damage is costly and the Shutgun can greatly reduce the amount of money that gets paid out in water damage claims."

An advocate for the Shutgun in the hotel industry, Joe continues by saying, "It's actually a win/win for everyone. The insurance companies save money and the building owners and fire departments save time, money and productivity. Is the Shutgun worth an incentive? Absolutely!"

Thursday, 21 February 2013

Shutgun successful at Hotel, Motel & Restaurant Supply Show

Shutgun successful at Hotel, Motel & Restaurant Supply Show

 It was another successful showing for Shutgun at the 37th annual Hotel Motel and Restaurant Supply Show held in Myrtle Beach last month. Shutgun was able to acquire hundreds of new contacts, several of which owned 20 hotels or more, as well as a large chain of 72 properties. CEO Myra Starnes is a fan of the Shutgun sprinkler shut off tool and spoke with us about the benefits of the product in her experience.  

“As a property owner, I know the headaches of sprinkler head activation and the damage it can cause – this is such an easy solution. When I saw it I just said ‘yes! This makes sense’,” Starnes has bought several Shutguns for her own industrial properties, some of which have 48 ft. ceilings, and will insert them into each high lift for easy access. “The best feature is that you can reactivate the sprinkler head without compromising the rest of the system – it minimizes so much damage.”

The HMRSSS began 38 years ago in order to create a marketplace that brings industry experts and vendors together. Today, it encompasses a five state area and hosts reps from both independents and large hotel restaurant chains in a casual and comfortable setting. For info on the 2014 show visit