Tuesday, 17 December 2013

Shutgun saves Christmas

T'was the night before Christmas and the sled was all packed,
Shutgun was sitting just inside Santa's sack

But the big guy couldn't climb down the chimney with ease,
On his way he'd bump mantles and stockings and trees!

When all of a sudden there arose such a clatter,
Santa spun around to see what was the matter.

You see, it seemed, that while scratching his head,
Santa knocked over a ladder, and broke the sprinkler head!

The living room was covered with sopping wet crud,
if this water didn't stop soon it would be a Christmas flood!

But with a gleam in his eye he had nothing to dread,
he had Shutgun on hand to plug the sprinkler head.

So by placing the jaws inside the tiny vent
and giving the handle a squeeze, off the water went!

And Santa knew that if a fire should be kindled,
the UL link would release the sprinkler until the fire dwindled

And I heard him exclaim as he drove out of sight,

Have a Safe and Dry Christmas - Shutgun saved the Night!....

Ho Ho Ho!

Monday, 25 November 2013

November issue: Canadian Lodging News

Read our full Product Feature in Lodging News (pg. 20). Excerpts below:

In an effort to save on insurance premiums, an increasing number of hotel properties are hiking deductibles to save cash.  While the property owners save dollars month to month, they are assuming more responsibility for every minor incident or repair.

Experts point out that in cases of water damage and sprinkler-related accidents, the resulting expenses could spiral out of control and owners are best to prepare for these ‘minor’ cases ahead of time, or risk being on the hook for thousands of dollars in damages.

... Russell Poste, Senior Advisor with Howard Noble insurance, “While these incidents are rare, the residual damage to the building and the insurance implications should not be overlooked or underestimated.”

Gregory Orndorff is with A-1 Flood Tech and has witnessed firsthand the harmful effects of water damage. 

“If the building owner is assuming more responsibility in order to not put a claim on their insurance, then stopping the flow of water becomes crucial if it means you are on the hook for every $5,000, $15,000 or even a $35,000 occurrence.”


Hotel owners know all too well that accidental fire sprinkler activations come with the territory – whether it’s a rowdy guest hitting or damaging the sprinkler head or a bride using it as a garment hanger, the result is a torrent of dirty water flowing from a pipe at rates exceeding 25 gallons per minute. 


“In many municipalities, the building manager is not allowed to shut off the building’s main water supply until the fire department has arrived, but they can shut off the activated sprinkler head,” said Greg Patterson, President of Shutgun, who engineered the product along with a retired Toronto District Fire Chief. “These minutes are crucial in terms of damage inflicted, which puts more onus on staff, maintenance and service people on the scene.”


Russell Poste, brings up another concern in situations where guests are displaced.

“The hotel’s insurance may be able to cover the damages and clean up, but that does not account for any displaced guests or their potential lost business as a result of the incident.”

For full article click here

Case Study: Tulalip Resort & Casino

The following are exerpts from an interview with Samueal Askew, General Manager, Tulalip Resort & Casino Tulalip, WA.

How Shutgun Saved a Housekeeping Sprinkler Blunder

How did you hear about Shutgun?  I was introduced to Shutgun at the IHMRS Show in NYC in 2012.  I was really impressed by the product itself,  the presentation of the materials, and the service.  My purchase was made then.

How many Shutguns have you purchased? 24 units total.

What was the decision behind your purchase?  The quality of the Shutgun is extremely high -Well made.  It’s also easy to use and requires little to no training to respond to an emergency.  But the greatest decision point was the fact that it contained a fusible link so that if it is used in an emergency, the sprinkler system will in turn still function if there is another incident.

How have you found the Shutgun useful to date? Absolutely!  We had new housekeeping associate dusting in and around the laundry room and broke a sprinkler head.  The Shutgun was quickly at hand and saved us from many many hours of cleanup, work, and of course limited damage to the facility.

What was the best feature for you in using Shutgun?  Aside from the Fusible Link, the fact that ANYONE can use it at ANY TIME means that our team members can respond to a situation at a moments notice.  The local fire depart loves them and are placing orders too!

Wednesday, 11 September 2013

College Sprinkler Flood Accidents

Enjoy ourBack to School collection of College Dorm Room sprinkler head mishap videos at #ShouldaHadaShutgun Top three college dorm sprinkler accident culprits: 
  1. Soccer balls;
  2. Frisbees;
  3. Clothes lines/hangers

First Ontario Home Project to include sprinkler systems

 MacKenzie Ridge Terraces, in Vaughan Ontario, is the first production home project in Ontario to include sprinklers as a standard feature, which fire departments and insurance companies have been advocating for years.

They will equip 136 executive townhomes and six semi-detached homes, with a fire-suppressant sprinkler system in each room plus a heat detection system installed in each garage and wired into the home’s smoke detector alarm system.

In addition, Co-operators Insurance has offered purchasers at Mackenzie Ridge a 10 per cent minimum reduction in insurance premiums because of the sprinkler system. Fire alarms and other fire safety features has opened the home insurance company to consider further premium discounts.

"This advocates what we have been encouraging for years," said Greg Patterson, "Which is to give incentives for building owners and residents who add fire safety measures and equipment to their fire safety plans."

John Caruso, Vaughan’s fire prevention officer, said 15 per cent of house fires in Vaughan last year started in the garage.

Click here to read Toronto Star article.

Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Shutgun’s New York College Campus Giveaway

On the heels of the Kerry Rose Fire Sprinkler Notification Act signed by governor Cuomo on July 25, Shutgun is issuing a Sprinkler Awareness Challenge to all New York College Campuses to enhance awareness among students and staff on proper sprinkler use and safety.

“This bill has heightened awareness around fire safety on college campuses,” said Greg Patterson, engineer and President of Shutgun. “We are challenging campus operators to take this bill one step further with our sprinkler awareness challenge."

Shutgun’s Sprinkler Awareness Challenge will offer a free Shutgun tool, along with demonstration videos and fire sprinkler FAQ document to every college campus in New York State. Managers can enter here to receive their free kit by mail. If interest persists, Shutgun will consider extending this offer to other Canadian and U.S. regions.

There are over 300 college campuses in New York State, most equipped with sprinkler systems. “Now that students are living with these devices, they should be made aware of how to treat them and the proper procedures around sprinkler safety,” said Patterson.  “We also want the staff to have the right tools in their kit in case a sprinkler emergency does occur.”

Though accidental fire sprinkler activations are rare, there are several well documented reports of sprinkler floods in college dorms.  The results range from thousands of dollars in water damage to hundreds of displaced students with disrupted schedules.

The Top examples of accidental sprinkler head activation in college dorms as;  Hanging Clothes (and other items) from the sprinkler head; Soccer balls; and Frisbees!

View a list of top college dorm sprinkler flood videos on twitter at #Shouldahadashutgun.

Thursday, 22 August 2013

Shutgun Prez Talks Up International Success

President of Technicraft Product Design Inc., and co-inventor of Shutgun, Greg Patterson, was recently featured on a popular Business Podcast discussing Shutgun and its decision to go international, checklists for businesses working with distributors and the quality measures he has taken with his Canadian invention.
Click here to listen to the interview http://bit.ly/IntnlChecklist

 Here are some highlights:

 “Although we have the product made in China, we ship materials from Canada to use to ensure good quality.

 "I have built great relationships in the last 30 years with China so problems that other manufacturers have with using parts made in China, we’ve been able to avoid.

 “In 2007 the international fire sprinkler association estimated that the annual installation of fire sprinkler heads globally was 117 million. Only half of those were in north America.

 “Since 2010, we now have distributors in US, Canada, UK, Europe, Middle East, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Vietnam, and we’re always looking for more!

 "The biggest surprise has been the value that various countries put on a life. Consequently, certain countries don't require sprinkler systems where we would."

Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Condo Flood Disaster Caused by Sprinkler Activation

BAY CITY, MI — Firefighters responded to report of fire at Bay City's Boathouse condominiums on Saturday, July 13, but found themselves dealing with a cascade of water instead.
At about 1:30 p.m., part of the sprinkler system inside the five-floor building at 1111 N. Water was activated. That apparently caused a large pipe in the building's foyer to burst, sending a cascade onto the floor, officials said.

Read More..


Thursday, 6 June 2013

Europe and Middle East bumping up Shutgun orders

Shutgun is pleased to expand on its international customer base through Total Fire Protection B.V. who is our distributor in Europe and Middle East. They have purchased additional 16 cases (or 640 shutguns) for their stock.

 Shutgun looks forward to assisting TFP who has been our distributor since August 2011 and have been a valued partner along with our other foreign distributors. 

Wednesday, 29 May 2013


Hot new treatment poses concerns for sprinkler systems

With a current national resurgence of bed bugs, along with a decrease in effectiveness of treatments such as chemicals and pesticides, pest control companies are relying on a new technique called Heat Remediation to scourge the unruly pests.

The process relies on piping hot air into the room and heating its core temperature to 120 degrees Fahrenheit (48C) or higher, causing the bugs to inevitably reach their thermal ‘death point’.

While proven effective on bed bugs, the process of heat remediation does not come without its own fire and safety risks to the building’s sprinkler system.

 “This is essentially a convection oven effect, and could lead to triggering fire alarm sensors, or worse, damaging or setting off the sprinkler system,” said Greg Patterson, former engineer and co-inventor of the Shutgun, a sprinkler shut off tool designed for hotel, construction and emergency medical service industries. “If a sprinkler head is accidentally set off, you can also add water damage to your list of problems.”

 With heat remediation, it would take approximately 20 minutes heated at 46C to kill adult bugs, and over an hour to kill their eggs.

 “With temperatures reaching above 100 degrees Fahrenheit, there is concern that the sprinkler heads could potentially be damaged or set off by such an increase in temperature,” said Eli Scardoni, former Toronto District Fire Chief.

 “To avoid damage, it is standard practice to cover the sprinkler heads with insulated boxes while the temperature is closely monitored. However, it is wise to always have a backup plan in place in case the sprinkler is set off by the heat,” he said.

 Some people have rented industrial and thermal heaters in an attempt to mimic the heat remediation process. “What we don’t want is people trying it themselves and running into an insurance or fire safety issue if an accident does occur,” said Greg Grabow, President of Temp-Air, a Heat Remediation equipment supplier. “Being prepared is the most important thing.” 

 Shutgun is a one handed tool designed with a unique fusible link that will melt and release in a case of fire flare up allowing the sprinkler to operate as normal. This means it can be left in place and the building’s fire sprinkler system remains fully operational.
For more info on a University of Kentucky study to test concept of heat to remove bed bugs from hotel rooms, click here.

For article by National Fire Sprinkler Association and Westfield Insurance on threat of heat remediation to sprinklers, click here.

Wednesday, 15 May 2013



We at Shutgun are happy and supportive of the government’s recent legislation to have all Ontario retirement homes and long-term care facilities equipped with an automatic water sprinkler system.
“This is truly great news for the safety of all senior and long term care residents in Ontario,” said Greg Patterson, fire sprinkler advocate and  co-owner of Shutgun.ca.
“However, along with the security and comfort that the sprinklers will provide, it comes with the inevitable mishaps and accidents that could create discomfort and confusion among retirement residents and for the nursing home.”

The new regulations will take effect January 1,  2014 and will call for more inspections, extra training for staff and a review of each facility’s fire safety plan.

“We are trying to encourage that each building’s plan includes a way to safety and quickly shut off each sprinkler’s water supply if an accident does occur,” said Greg Patterson.

 An accidental sprinkler discharge could not only create damage and confusion, but with water flowing at pressures up to 25  gallons per minute  it could flood a small unit in mere minutes.
“Once you have to start displacing residents as a result of water damage or cleanup, it becomes a much larger issue of cost and headaches for the nursing home manager,” said Patterson.
“As always, having a Shutgun on hand for single, sprinkler deactivation is the safest, fastest solution for building managers to avoid disrupting their residents and their operations.”


Tuesday, 16 April 2013


Sprinkler shut off time proves critical for building managers

(Collingwood, ON – April 12, 2013)  In regards to water damage, the fact is that insurance deductibles are increasing for commercial buildings and residential facilities. In the interest of saving cash, building owners are willing to pay more out of pocket for minor issues rather than watch their premiums rise.

But what if the damage has less to do with leaky pipes and failing fixtures and involves the main sprinkler system? Industry experts explain why the amount of damage inflicted by fire sprinkler activation should not be overlooked or underestimated.

“A fire sprinkler head that is activated and not immediately shut off can easily cause tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars in damage,” said Greg Patterson, President of Shutgun, a tool designed to shut off fire sprinkler water flow instantly.

Barry McGrory is Labour manager with Commodore Builders, “In my experience, if a sprinkler is set off in a condo or apartment building, the real damage is to the floors below, so stopping the flow of water becomes even more critical for the owner.”

With water from a sprinkler head releasing at flow rates exceeding 25 gallons per minute, mere minutes can mean the difference between a single room being out of operation for a few days to multiple rooms on many floors being unavailable for weeks.

In cases of water damage claims from sprinkler activation, only a small percentage are the result of actual fires – the rest are accidental activations. This leaves contractors, service people and maintenance personnel in a very susceptible position.

Gregory Orndorff is with A1 FloodTech and has witnessed firsthand, the harmful effects of water damage both on the buildings and on a property’s insurance premiums.

“When we get to a building and the flood is still occurring, the first thing we have to do is stop the source of water,” he says.

In many municipalities, the building manager is not allowed to shut off the building’s main water supply until the fire department has arrived but can shut off the activated sprinkler head. These minutes are crucial in terms of damage inflicted.

“If the building owner is assuming more responsibility in order to not put a claim on their insurance, then having a device to stop water flow becomes crucial if it means you are on the hook for every $5000, $15,000 or $35,000 issue.”

Shutgun was designed with a built in fusible link, which releases and allows the sprinkler head to reactivate, thus providing continued fire protection.

“Of course, a building’s first priority is safety,” said Patterson. “If there is a solution which allows you to operate ‘business as usual’ faster – I think building managers would be wise to take it.”



Shutgun has become a tool box staple for building managers, superintendents and contractors. Conceived by a Toronto District Fire Chief of 35 years, Shutgun is a one-handed, easy-to-use fire sprinkler shut off tool. Shutgun avoids shutting off the main water supply to the sprinkler system, thus giving continued fire protection to all units. Shutgun shuts off most types of sprinkler heads including the semi-recessed style now popular in commercial complexes. www.shutgun.ca

Media: Amanda Sutton 705-791-7209  amanda@catalystcc.ca

Shutgun: Greg Patterson 1-866-827-8711    Greg@technicraftdesign.com   

Monday, 18 March 2013


Safety supplier promotes sprinkler shut off tool to facilities, hospitals and property owners

(Collingwood, ON – March 7, 2013)  Water damage claims from accidental fire sprinkler activations hurt the bottom line of insurance companies and increase the premiums of property owners. Shutgun, an innovative Fire Sprinkler Deactivation Tool, was designed to shut off the activated sprinkler head quickly, isolating the source of water and avoiding further headaches.

 “A fire sprinkler head that is activated and not immediately shut off can easily cause tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of dollars in damage,” said Greg Patterson, President of Technicraft Product Design Inc. and inventor of Shutgun. “If the damage exceeds a property’s deductable, usually $2,500 – it’s the insurance company who will be paying that out of their pocket, and property owners will watch their premiums rise.”

Ross Humphry is President of Canadian Safety Equipment, Shutgun’s leading distributor in Canada. His reps have sold cases of the tool across the country to hotels, military bases, fire departments and hospitals. “I would encourage Canadian insurance companies to offer incentives to building owners that have a Shutgun on every floor,” he says. “It only makes sense, as the insurance companies will be the ones to save money in the long run.”

With water from a sprinkler head releasing at flow rates exceeding 25 gallons per minute, mere minutes can mean the difference between a single room being out of operation for a few days to multiple rooms on many floors being unavailable for weeks.

Joe Fisco of Petra Risk Solutions in California says, “The bottom line is that water damage is costly and this tool can greatly reduce the amount of money that gets paid out in water damage claims.” Fisco is an advocate for Shutgun in the hotel industry and continues by saying, “It also means time and resources saved by fire departments that are called on scene to shut off a building’s water source.”

Both Patterson and Humphry have met with representatives in the insurance industry about offering a credit to property owners who keep a Shutgun with every fire extinguisher, and have been met with positive response.


Conceived by a Toronto District Fire Chief of 35 years, Shutgun provides property managers and emergency responders with a one-handed, easy-to-use fire sprinkler shut off tool. Shutgun avoids shutting off the main water supply to the sprinkler system, thus giving continued fire protection. A fusible link provides fire protection by melting and releasing the tool in the event of a fire thus reactivating the sprinkler. Shutgun shuts off most types of sprinkler heads including the semi-recessed style now popular in commercial complexes. www.shutgun.ca

Media: Amanda Sutton 705-791-7209  amanda@catalystcc.ca

Shutgun: Greg Patterson 1-866-827-8711    Greg@technicraftdesign.com   

Thursday, 28 February 2013

Dual Fire Protection

The Shutgun concept was created by a Toronto District Fire Chief of 35 years, with the intention to provide fire fighters, emergency response teams and property managers with a one-handed, easy-to-use fire sprinkler shut off tool.  But what if a fire occurs in the same spot?

Shutgun was created with a unique fusible link that offers continued protection by melting and releasing the tool in the event of a fire flare up or recurrence.

This way, the tool can be left in place with the sprinkler system charged until the pipes can be drained and the head replaced – thus giving the rest of the building full fire protection despite the activation.  “This is of huge benefit to managers who don’t want to jeopardize the rest of the building by shutting off the water system completely,” said Greg Patterson.

Wednesday, 27 February 2013

See the Shutgun in Action!


 Probably the most powerful visual demonstration of our tool in action - this 38 second video is our most widely viewed link. Watch the simplicity, ease and power that this one handed tool can provide.  Please share if you like us on facebook!


Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Should insurance companies offer incentives for properties that own Shutgun?


FACT: Water damage claims from accidental fire sprinkler activations hurt the bottom line of Insurance companies and increase the premiums of property owners. Ross Humphry, President of Canadian Safety Equipment, encourages Canadian insurance companies to offer incentives to buildings that have the Shutgun on every floor. “It only makes sense,” he says, “as the insurance companies will be the ones to save money in the long run.”

Just one sprinkler activation can cost between $10,000 – to $50,000 in damage for the property owner. Shutgun can reduce the damage inflicted in those crucial minutes after a sprinkler head is activated. For hotel operators, this means the difference between a single room being out of operation for a few days to multiple rooms on many floors being unavailable for weeks.

Joe Fisco of Petra Risk Solutions in California agrees, "I believe that insurance companies should offer a credit to property owners who have Shutguns in every fire hose cabinet in their buildings. The bottom line is that water damage is costly and the Shutgun can greatly reduce the amount of money that gets paid out in water damage claims."

An advocate for the Shutgun in the hotel industry, Joe continues by saying, "It's actually a win/win for everyone. The insurance companies save money and the building owners and fire departments save time, money and productivity. Is the Shutgun worth an incentive? Absolutely!"

Thursday, 21 February 2013

Shutgun successful at Hotel, Motel & Restaurant Supply Show

Shutgun successful at Hotel, Motel & Restaurant Supply Show

 It was another successful showing for Shutgun at the 37th annual Hotel Motel and Restaurant Supply Show held in Myrtle Beach last month. Shutgun was able to acquire hundreds of new contacts, several of which owned 20 hotels or more, as well as a large chain of 72 properties. CEO Myra Starnes is a fan of the Shutgun sprinkler shut off tool and spoke with us about the benefits of the product in her experience.  

“As a property owner, I know the headaches of sprinkler head activation and the damage it can cause – this is such an easy solution. When I saw it I just said ‘yes! This makes sense’,” Starnes has bought several Shutguns for her own industrial properties, some of which have 48 ft. ceilings, and will insert them into each high lift for easy access. “The best feature is that you can reactivate the sprinkler head without compromising the rest of the system – it minimizes so much damage.”

The HMRSSS began 38 years ago in order to create a marketplace that brings industry experts and vendors together. Today, it encompasses a five state area and hosts reps from both independents and large hotel restaurant chains in a casual and comfortable setting. For info on the 2014 show visit www.hmrsss.com.