Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Everett Fire Department in Washington demonstrates Shutgun in action!

Steve Goforth, Fire Inspector/Investigator with the Everett Fire Department in Washington State, sent in photos of the Shutgun in action.  Just one day after the Shutguns were deployed on the fire trucks, one immediately demonstrated its real-life value.

The sprinkler had already been heat activated when the Everett firefighters were called to contain a cooking fire in a senior's apartment complex. 

With Shutgun in hand, the fire fighters were able to reduce the amount of water damage by simply installing the Shutgun right at the source.  The firefighters were pretty amazed at the efficiency of the Shutgun. 

The property owners were very happy to have less water damage to contend with and no doubt their insurance company will be even happier.

Steve is pleased to share his experience of the Shutgun with firefighters everywhere. Steve says, "For over 100 years our firefighters have been carrying wooden wedges in their pockets to stop sprinkler flow.  The Shutgun is definitely a tool we can use in residential and commercial occupancies to reduce the water damage from water flow after the sprinkler has contained the fire."

Monday, 7 November 2011

Campus Fire Forum Press Release

Shutgun, Fire Sprinkler Head Shut Off Tool, will be introduced to Campus Fire Forum members and attendees this November 7 – 9 in Indianapolis, IN.   

Universities and Colleges are adding Shutgun, the Fire Sprinkler Head Deactivation Tool, to their maintenance curriculum. 

Students can often be the cause of accidental fire sprinkler head activations in residences on University and College campuses.  As an example, an excited student strings a decoration through the sprinkler head or a coat gets hung up to dry and the hanger taps the sprinkler head glass.  Accidental fire sprinkler activations are just that – accidents.  But, they are accidents that can be very costly to the school and hugely disruptive to the students in residence.

Educating students on fire sprinkler heads, according to the Manager of Fire Prevention of a major University, can be a trying task when the students’ minds are overwhelmed with learning their own subjects.  When an accidental activation occurs, the students find themselves even more overwhelmed as they are moved and their studies disrupted until they can return to their water-free rooms.  As facility managers know, the longer water runs the more extensive the damage to property and student studies.

While campus residences are often in operation 24/7, a trained maintenance person may not always be around the corner.  Shutgun is an easy-to-use, one handed tool that shuts off fire sprinkler heads fast.  In the words of one Campus Facility Manager having Shutgun available gives him peace of mind knowing that accidental fire sprinkler activations can be managed quickly.

The makers of Shutgun want students to know that they should never hang anything from a fire sprinkler head so Shutgun can be the best kind of insurance – the one that isn’t used. 

If you are in the Indianapolis area, visit Greg Patterson, President of Technicraft Product Design Inc., at the Campus Fire Forum at booth number 4.  He will be happy to demonstrate Shutgun and answer any questions you may have. http://www.shutgun.ca

